Ontario Behaviourists for Social Responsibility 

An ONTABA Special Interest Group


We aim to expand applications of behaviour science by addressing social issues, particularly those with social justice, human rights, and environmental implications. 

We wish to empower people by providing motivation and reinforcement for addressing social issues.  We search for means to fostering research and encourage behaviour scientists and practitioners to take practical action.

We will strengthen communities by providing a venue to share and explore. We hope to expanding public awareness of behaviour analytic principles and practices that can contribute to addressing social and environmental issues.


« The ideal of behaviourism is to eliminate coercion: to apply controls by changing the environment in such a way as to reinforce the kind of behaviour that benefits everyone. »

- B.F. Skinner


What we've done


Conference Presentation (How Behaviour Analysts Can Join the Race to Make the World a Better Place) directed to professionals (Offered CEU’s)

Created and Published Website

Created resources and suggestions of how to Make the ONTABA 2022 conference sustainable

Earth Day Community Presentation April 2022

Developed collaboration plan and sent to ABAI BFSR

Met with ABAI representative Re: ABAI BFSR Social Media


Poster Presentation at ONTABA 

Ignite Presentation at ONTABA 

Survey for ONTABA membership 

Published first newsletter

Formed the BSFR SIG - approved by ONTABA - developed mission


Poster Competition at ONTABA


Webinar: Brock Series:  How We Can Help Create a More Sustainable World Through Applied Behaviour Analysis


Poster Competition at ONTABA


Reading Group: Behavior Science Perspectives on Culture and Community

Webinar: Cultural Humility and Responsiveness



Research Lab

Webinar: Cultural Humility in ABA Services

Culturo-Behavior Science Innovation Network Engaged