OBFSR Planners


What We Have In Common

We are members of the Ontario Association for Behaviour Analysis (ONTABA).

We practise, teach and/or research in the field of behaviour analysis.

We all have "things that keep us up at night".

We all know that behaviour analysis can help improve our world.


Who We Are

Our SIG opted to take on a “board of planners” model, where the board members are comprised of members who represent diverse roles and interest areas. We believe this model enhances shared responsibility, and involvement of its members. 

Hanna Vance


Topics of interest: Sustainability, pay, interpersonal relationships

What keeps her up at night? The effects of outdated, expensive, and ineffective systems on many social responsibility topics

Albert Malkin


Topics of interest: Sustainability urbanism, and social connectedness

What keeps him up at night? Why isn't behavior analysis doing more to influence our world for the better?

Meaghen Shaver


Topics of interest: Diversity, equity and inclusion, climate change

What keeps her up at night?What keeps her up at night? Feeling helpless in the fight against the climate crisis

Pamela Shea


Topics of interest: Climate change, racial and gender equality

What keeps her up at night?

Our field not contributing enough to changing human behaviour related to important global challenges

Don Togade


Topics of interest: Equal access to education among minority groups, gender equality, climate change

What keeps him up at night?

How can our science support organizations to be more inclusive?

Adrienne Perry

PhD, C. Psych., BCBA-D

Topics of interest: Protecting the environment

What keeps her up at night?

How can we effectively bring behavior analysis  to this task!?

Kendra Thomson


Topics of interest: Climate crisis, sustainable farming, societal wellbeing, metacontingencies, how behavioural economics can inform policy 

What keeps her up at night? 

Increased hazardous weather, climate change deniers  

Angeline Savard


Topics of interest: Motivating operations and contingency management pertaining to social and environmental change

What keeps her up at night?

The challenges her children will face if we don't regenerate our social and climate environments